The Children of Bullenhuser Damm association
In 1979 surviving relatives founded the association “Children of Bullenhuser Damm”. Founding members included Philippe Kohn, brother of Georges-André Kohn; Henrik Zylberberg, father of Ruchla Zylberberg; Henri Morgenstern, cousin of Jacqueline Morgenstern; the resistance fighters Herbert and Ruth Schemmel and Jupp Händler, who were in Neuengamme when the children were there.
The association aims to keep alive remembrance of the murdered children and their partners in misfortune, both to ensure that German schoolchildren in particular are informed about these fascist murders, and to fight against neo-fascism. There is probably hardly a school in Hamburg in which the murder of the children at Bullenhuser Damm has not been part of the curriculum.
More than half a million people have visited the memorial. Many have planted roses in the rose garden. Every year the association organizes a ceremony of remembrance for the children of Bullenhuser Damm in Janusz Korczak School. Relatives of the 20 children still keep coming to it from all over the world on 20 April. The association also organizes talks with the relatives in schools, dialog with contemporary witnesses or about the story of the children of Bullenhuser Damm.
For their help and support, which in some cases dates back many years, the association would like to thank, amongst others:
Georgina Watkins
Claire Freerks
Marisa Dührkopp
Henning Rogge
Thomas Wieske und Matthias Kühn, Wieske's Crew GmbH
Reset Grafische Medien GmbH
Kulturbehörde der Freien und Hansestadt Hamburg
Stiftung Kindergärten Finkenau, Kita Sonnenschein
Sprinkenhof AG
If you would like to support the work of the association as a member or with a donation, please print out this membership application form, sign it and return it to us.

— German articles of association
The Children of Bullenhuser Damm association
Bahrenfelder Kirchenweg 29
D - 22761 Hamburg
Tel.: +49 (0) 40 851 87 926
Account number:
IBAN: DE31 2005 0550 1005 2114 44