H. Wassermann
*1937 in Poland

H. Wassermann
Unfortunately there are no longer any photos of some of the children from the time before the war, or their relatives have not been found. This photograph is one of the images made by the SS to document their medical experiments. The photos were secured from Dr. Heißmeyer after the end of the war and formed the basis for the search for the children. With the help of a global poster campaign, Günther Schwarberg was able to find many of the children’s relatives.
Unfortunately there are no longer any photos of some of the children from the time before the war, or their relatives have not been found. This photograph is one of the images made by the SS to document their medical experiments. The photos were secured from Dr. Heißmeyer after the end of the war and formed the basis for the search for the children. With the help of a global poster campaign, Günther Schwarberg was able to find many of the children’s relatives.
H. Wassermann
Former prisoners compiled a list of the names of the children. This was printed in the book “Rapport fra Neuengamme”, published in 1945. This includes the name of an eight-year-old girl from Poland: Wassermann. On the examination report for this child, Dr. Kurt Heißmeyer only noted the initials “H.W.” This child, H. Wassermann, was one of the children murdered on 20 April 1945 here in Bullenhuser Damm.
Up to now this is all that we know about this little girl. In 2003 the Wassermann Park in Hamburg-Burgwedel was named after her.